Sunday, October 23, 2011

i am BACK!

helloo youuuuu :) here i am writing from not very new pinkypop (she's more than 1,5 now, but okaylah she's new for you because we never have it do something for you right bloggiemate?) :D

and this is right after 2 years (or more?) leaving this part of life(?) aaaaand... the fact that i can access my blogspot account. eheheheh..okay okay yess, i forgot my password. again. yess, AGAIN. happy, eh? finally i come to the sanity that i really reallyy need to write again. anything. diary, story, or whatever (dont say thesis. please dont), and i know i should come to you. to write again. to gain back my sanity. and for that i have to get back the password, and HAH! i did it just now *halah padahal gak sesusah itu juga sih, cuma gw-nya aja yang males ama bego kelamaan mikirnya kikikik*

btw, the other reason why i can leave you that looong time, and happily (do i?) without sharing anything with you is something named twitter. trust me, darling, event a real author/writer or you may call a wordsmith is also cursed by this phenomena. twitter is simply a mini-you, mini-bloggie. and it's really kinda...easy (yet so simple) to share anything there and enables you comment about anything in only 140 characters. okay, it is ADDICTING. well, to me especially. so from the bottom of my heart, i know i've been a wreck for you :D but i'm sure you and your babysibling *TWITTER* can be friends. surely, no?

well, i think it's enough for the welcoming note. hope we'll do something good and not good for sure, soon. very very soon. you know how i love writing (pret!).
i'm happy to have you back.

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